CoSim-CPS 2020

This year, a fully online event, CoSim-CPS 2020, a satellite event of SEFM 2020, focused on the integrated application of formal methods and co-simulation technologies in the development of software for Cyber-Physical Systems. Co-simulation is an advanced simulation technique that allows developers to generate a global simulation of a complex system by orchestrating and composing the concurrent simulation of individual components or aspects of the system. Formal methods link software specifications and program code to logic theories, providing developers with means to analyze program behaviors in a way that is demonstrably exhaustive. EPI's colleagues from CEA and UNIPI presented a paper titled "Cross-level co-simulation and verification of an automatic transmission control on embedded processor".

The OA link to the paper can be found in our repository:
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14 09
@ 12:00
14 09
@ 12:00
Place: online
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