ACM Summer School on HPC Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications

The 2024 edition of the ACM Summer School on HPC Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications, organized by The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), will take place in Barcelona from 2-6 September 2024. This year’s program focuses on the convergence between HPC and AI, and it will also explore emerging research areas such as Quantum Computing. The school targets PhD and recent postdocs in HPC and AI. Exceptionally, outstanding MSc students with proven interest and/or experience in projects related to HPC and/or AI are also accepted. Participation in the school is free of charge. Sixty accepted participants will spend one week in Barcelona, attending formal lectures, invited talks, and other activities. The school will cover accommodation expenses and catering during school hours.
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02 09
@ 12:00
06 09
@ 12:00
Place: Barcelona, Spain