OEHI: Arm and RISC-V: Competition versus Synergies Workshop

The workshop called Arm and RISC-V: Competition versus Synergies brings together representatives from large data centers, system integrators, end-users, microprocessor designers, and experts who lead efforts in developing solutions on ARM and RISC-V for today’s platforms and upcoming Exascale systems. The objective is to share current practices for both ARM and RISC-V hardware and software stacks and to discuss how and where ARM and RISC-V can be competitors and where they can be synergistic.

EPI's Chair of the Board, Jean-Marc Denis, presented a talk titled "European Processor Initiative: the place where ARM and RISC-V live in peace", while other EPI partners also attended and participated in the panel regarding this topic.

More about workshop here: https://www.open-edge-hpc-initiative.org/2021/06/arm-and-risc-v-competition-versus-synergies-workshop, while the presentation from Jean-Marc Denis can be found in our repository: https://www.european-processor-initiative.eu/dissemination-material/epi-oehi-2021/.
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22 06
@ 12:00
22 06
@ 12:00
Place: online
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