Daniele Cesarini from CINECA held a presentation titled “Performance Assessment and Energy Efficiency of MaX Codes” at ISC22.

Luís Crespo, Pedro Tomás, Nuno Roma and Nuno Neves held a presentation titled “Unified Posit/IEEE-754 Vector MAC Unit for Transprecision Computing.”

SiPearl Emerging as Heavyweight for ‘Made in Europe’ Chips

Home-grown Euro chipmaker SiPearl signs deal with HPE, Nvidia

EPI Consortium members published “Towards Reconfigurable Accelerators in HPC: Designing a Multipurpose eFPGA Tile for Heterogeneous SoCs” at the DATE 2022 Conference.

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9774716.

DOI: 10.23919/DATE54114.2022.9774716.

Federico Ficarelli, Mohsen Sadegh, Martin Molan from University of Bologna held a EPI Poster presentation.

HPE Announces New HPC Factory in Czech Republic

Innovation at scale



European Processor Initiative will have ZeroPoint IP in their chip

Ransomware: who pays on the rise – European processor – Digital Service Act

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