EPI Announces Successful Conclusion of European Processor Initiative Phase One
Project press release, published on December 22nd, 2021, is also available in the news section: https://www.european-processor-initiative.eu/successful-conclusion-of-european-processor-initiative-phase-one/.
Fabrizio Magugliani from E4 held a presentation titled “HPE & E4: Computational Intelligence and Deep Learning for Next-Generation Edge-Enabled Industrial Workflows.”
Francesco Minervini and Oscar Palomar Perez from BSC presented the RISC-V vector accelerator at RISC-V Summit 2021. Their talk was titled Vitruvius: An Area-Efficient RISC-V Decoupled Vector Accelerator for High Performance Computing.
SiPearl Affirms Exascale Plans and Key Partnerships at SC21
E4 Announces the RISC-V-Based Monte Cimone Cluster
Lilia Zaourar from CEA held a presentation titled “Multilevel Simulation-based Co-design of Next Generation HPC Microprocessors.”
Roger Espasa from Semidynamics held a presentation titled “OVI: The Open Vector Interface.”
At SC21, Experts Ask: Can Fast HPC Be Green?
Mario Kovač from UNIZG held a presentation titled “Croatian success story – European Processor Initiative.”