The European Union prepares its own prototype CPU

European Processor Initiative Readies Prototype

European Processor Initiative spins off SiPearl to commercialize the EPI microprocessor

New Computing Architectures Needed to Achieve European Green Deal

European SiPearl Startup designing microprocessor for Exascale

SiPearl Joins EPI Consortium, Aims to Design Microprocessor for European Supercomputer

The European Processor Initiative Gets Ready for Commercialization with Startup SiPearl

EPI team members participated in several sessions at the HiPEAC conference in Bologna, Italy, held from January 20-22, 2020.

In addition to having a booth as a HiPEAC sponsor, EPI was presented at the industrial session, in two other workshops (WRC and Eurolab4HPC session) and in EPI’s own tutorial session, where EPI presenters gave talks on Accelerators, Compiler and Software Development, EPI’s Power Aspect and PCIe Daughter.

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