The project’s Periodic Dissemination and Communication Report, deliverable D24.3, is available here.

Kalray held a lecture on platform HW, RTOS and DDS:

The title of the webinar held by Kalray is Edge computing: An innovative and scalable HW/SW manycore plaftorm for intelligent systems. The recording is available here:

Prof. Mateo Valero attended the 22nd IEEE International Conference on HPC and Communications (HPCC-2020) and gave a keynote titled “The future of HPC will be Open”.

Prof. Jesus Labarta from BSC attended the Open Source Summit and held a presentation titled “The RISC-V vector processor in EPI”.

This year’s ApplePies was virtual. EPI’s Sergio Saponara was General Chair, while John Davis from BSC gave a keynote titled “RISC-V, Enabling a Wide Open Future of HPC”.

Prof. Jürgen Becker from KIT attended the IEEE CASS Rio Grande do Sul Chapter talks and gave a lecture titled Multi-Core System Integration – Distributed HPC, Reliability, AI and Open Hardware as Enablers, which can be viewed here:

EPI partners participated in a panel session of the DVCon Europe 2020, titled Verification Challenges of an Exascale Supercomputer. Session video is available at EPI YT Channel:

Roger Espasa attended the RISC-V Summit and held a presentation titled “Introducing SemiDynamics High Bandwidth RISC V IP Cores”. Video of the presentation is available at RISC-V YouTube channel:

EPI Consortium members published “An Open-Source Scalable Thermal and Power Controller for HPC Processors” in the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD).

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article, which will be available upon expiration of a 6-month embargo:


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