EPI’s Romain Dolbeau from Atos attended the Journée scientifique 2019 du Criann, held in Rouen, France, with a presentation titled “European Processor Initiative (EPI): a High Performance, High Efficiency Processor for HPC”.
EPI consortium participated in EuroHPC Summit week with several activities:
Co-design workshop, EuroHPC: Co‐designing with the European Processor Initiative,
another workshop:
Upstream technologies panel,
and a presentation:
Pilots and system-level co-design: The BSC vision.
At the Computing Frontiers Sardinia, there was a special session on EU projects with EPI: The Industrial Cornerstone of EuroHPC for Exascale Era. EPI’s CCO Mario Kovac held a presentation called European Processor Initiative: The Industrial Cornerstone of EuroHPC for Exascale Era.
At the National Conference on 5G and the Mobility of Tomorrow in Pisa, Italy, EPI’s Sergio Saponara from UNIPI offered a talk titled “European Processor Initiative: embedded High Performance Computing for Automated and Connected Vehicles”.
Industry Strategy Symposium, organized by SEMI, took place in Milano, Italy. EPI’s Mateo Valero, BSC, offered a keynote titled “BSC Roadmap for HPC in Europe”, also introducing EPI roadmap and direction.
This presentation at a major semiconductor industry event gave background on the race towards exascale and where Europe needs to be stronger. It explains the evolution of Arm-based technologies at BSC and in European projects before turning to open hardware. It then goes on to explore the background to EuroHPC and the European HPC roadmap, followed by an introduction to EPI and the EPI roadmap.
The HPCXXL Winter Meeting 2019 was colocated together with the HPC Advisory Council meeting in Lugano, Switzerland on March 31. – April 05. 2019. EPI’s CCO, Mario Kovač, presented EPI with a talk titled “European Processor Initiative: The EuroHPC Industrial Cornerstone”.
EPI team exhibited its visual materials at DATE conference in Florence, Italy and received visitors at its booth.
Chairman of the EPI General Assembly Board, Jean-Marc Denis, held a presentation on EPI at the Supercomputing Asia event. EPI was also presented at a shared booth, with its roll-up and EPI flyers, together with PRACE and ETP4HPC initiatives.