EU puts its weight behind home-grown processor for its new €273M supercomputer
JUPITER Exascale Supercomputer, lead customer for SiPearl
SiPearl has raised €90m in financing which will allow the commercialisation of Rhea
Europe to Dish out €270 Million to Build RISC-V Hardware and Software
SiPearl works with AMD on GPU support for Arm HPC chip
RISC-V Is Far from Being an Alternative to x86 and Arm in HPC
Europe’s Chip Sovereignty Altering US Chip Companies’ Exascale Approach
La strategia europea e la difficile autonomia
Q&A with EPI Chair Eric Monchalin, an HPCwire Person to Watch in 2022
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This project has received funding from the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (JU) under Framework Partnership Agreement No 800928 and Specific Grant Agreement No 101036168 (EPI SGA2). The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and from Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.