80 Arm Neoverse V1 cores and in-package memory for SiPearl MCU

SiPearl: Partnership with Samsung Electronics for built-in HBM in Rhea

SiPearl’s Rhea1 Delivers Exceptional Compute Performance with 80 Arm Neoverse V1 Cores

SiPearl unveils features of Rhea1 HPC / AI inference processor

SiPearl reveals release date for Rhea-2 HPC chip

SiPearl’s Rhea2 CPU Added to Roadmap: Second-Gen European CPU for HPC

Next Euro HPC Chip Coming Next Year Will Be in 2026 EU Exascale System

BSC Hosts 2nd European Memory Systems Forum, Uniting Global Experts in Barcelona

European Union Seeks Chip Sovereignty Using RISC-V

SMART TECH – Microprocesseur : comment avance le projet de HPC européen?

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