European Processor Initiative partner SiPearl will provide its general purpose processor for Europe’s first EuroHPC exascale supercomputer JUPITER

Why Europe must have a home-grown HPC processor

Europe’s first exascale supercomputer will use Arm processors with Nvidia GPU nodes

The European Union announces Jupiter, its first supercomputer that exceeds exaFLOP power

European high performance processor designer SiPearl has won its first major customer in JUPITER, the European exascale supercomputer to be built in Germany

EU Unveils Its First ExaFlop Supercomputer, Featuring The Power Of ARM & NVIDIA

JUPITER Exascale Supercomputer, lead customer for SiPearl

Europe’s exascale supercomputer in its starting blocks

Jupiter exascale supercomputer to be built by Atos’ Eviden

An Eviden led consortium to build Europe’s first exascale supercomputer

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