L’interview de Philippe Notton (SIPEARL) par Cécilia Severi

Europe’s Evolving View of “Continental Exascale”

Hyperion Research Announces Agenda for 2nd Virtual HPC User Forum 

Server Microprocessor Market Forecast to Reach $18.1 Billion by 2026

HPC Career Notes: August 2021 Edition

Adoption of Council Regulation to Establish New EuroHPC Joint Undertaking

Jean-Marc Denis Joins SiPearl as CSO

BSC, Codeplay and SiFive help accelerate applications on RISC-V thanks to V-extension support in LLVM

Amid a Canceled Tender, More Details of MareNostrum 5 (Finally) Emerge

NVIDIA, Partners Extending Arm Ecosystem from Exascale to the Edge

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