EPI team participated in several activities in Digital HiPEAC 2021 conference: EPI Tutorial, Industrial session, and WRC workshop.

The materials are all zipped here, and a link to YT recording of the Tutorial is available.

Jean-Marc Denis, EPI Chairman of the Board, held a keynote at the ASC HPC Connection Workshop during Supercomputing20.

Jean-Marc Denis gave a keynote at the 20th PC Cluster Symposium, titled “Exascale Supercomputers are game-changers for General Purpose Microprocessors. Why?”

The Ph.D. Workshop on HW accelerators for AI and HPC organized by our partners from UNIPI was held online.

Prof. Sergio Saponara from UNIPI was invited as a Distinguished Lecturer to the IEEE Sensors France workshop. His presentation touched upon how the race towards Autonomous and Connected cars will revolutionize the mobility of people, with a tremendous social and economic impact. EmbeddedHPC is a key enabling technology for this revolution and EPI ecosystem can be at the core of this revolution.

At the online version of the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), authors from UNIBO presented their paper titled “An Open-Source Scalable Thermal and Power Controller for HPC Processors for the ICCD 2020”. Video of the presentation is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zHMS_Lj1LA

Stéphane Cordova, from EPI’s partner Kalray, tackled the issues of what the Automotive industry is currently facing: a need for performance and a need to consolidate the electronic functions in the car.

At the 2nd TA visitors meeting, John Davis from BSC held a keynote titled: LOCA: Embracing Open Source Hardware to create an Open Source Ecosystem.

At the 4th Workshop on Reconfigurable Computing for Machine Learning, prof. Becker from KIT held a Workshop keynote “Neuromorphic FPGA Integration – HPC, Reliability and NN as Key Enablers”.

EPI’s CCO, prof. dr.sc. Mario Kovač, attended ISSIP 2020 and delivered a keynote titled “European Processor Initiative: Europe’s Industrial Technology Cornerstone for the
Exascale Era”.

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