3 new R&I projects to boost the digital sovereignty of Europe
EPI Consortium members published a chapter “European Processor Initiative – Europe’s Approach to Exascale Computing” in the book “HPC, Big Data, and AI Convergence Towards Exascale.”
Here is a link to the chapter.
DOI: 10.1201/9781003176664-14.
Shooting for the moon: Taking European technology to the next level
EC president promises European Chips Act to quadruple homegrown production by 2030
Lilia Zaourar from CEA held a presentation titled “Multilevel Simulation-based Co-design of Next Generation HPC Microprocessors.”
At SC21, Experts Ask: Can Fast HPC Be Green?
EPI partners E4 and the University of Pisa participated in the workshop on EuroHPC review and related participation in Tuscany.
The result of the workshop was a technical report (in Italian).
Per Stenström from Chalmers held a presentation titled “Microarchitecture Research: The View from the Globe.”
Mario Kovač from UNIZG held a presentation titled “European Processor Initiative and EU Projects Towards Exascale Computing.”
Jesus Labarta held a presentation titled “Performance analysis and hybrid programming in HPC”, Mauro Olivieri held a presentation “Vector acceleration in HPC and Edge Devices” and Roger Espasa held a presentation “Avispado: A RISC-V core supporting the RISC-V vector instruction set.”