Europe ups the ante: chips for autonomous driving
Project press release, published on December 22nd, 2021, is also available in the news section:
Prof. Sergio Saponara attended SIE and gave a lecture titled “Electronics at the core of the autonomous, connected and electrified vehicles revolution”.
Kalray’s Sébastien Le Duc held a presentation on Karlay’s activities at IWOCL and explained also how it pertains to EPI.
Kalray held a lecture on platform HW, RTOS and DDS:
The title of the webinar held by Kalray is Edge computing: An innovative and scalable HW/SW manycore plaftorm for intelligent systems. The recording is available here:
Professor Sergio Saponara attended the AI4People Summit 2020 in Brussels.
EPI Consortium members published “Embedded Image Processing the European Way: A new platform for the future automotive market” in IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT).
Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:
Prof. Sergio Saponara from UNIPI was invited as a Distinguished Lecturer to the IEEE Sensors France workshop. His presentation touched upon how the race towards Autonomous and Connected cars will revolutionize the mobility of people, with a tremendous social and economic impact. EmbeddedHPC is a key enabling technology for this revolution and EPI ecosystem can be at the core of this revolution.
Project press release, published on November 9, 2020, is also available in the news section: