At the workshop called “The future of Powertrain Technologies – Opportunities from Pisa and surrounding”, EPI’s consortium partner the University of Pisa presented their activities, including the ones in the European Processor Initiative.

On October 10th in Nancy, France, within an IEEE I&M France Chapter/GDR SoC2 Workshop Prof. Sergio Saponara from the University of Pisa, Italy, held an IEEE IMS DL about ACES (autonomous, connected, electrified and shared) vehicles and related instruments and measurement/perception tools. The IEEE DL presented the opportunities and challenges of the ACES trends, with a focus on high-performance machine-perception sensors (like Radar, Lidar, Camera), navigation and positioning technologies (Inertial Measurement Units, Global Position/Navigation Satellite Systems). The challenge of the High-Performance Computing, needed on-board the vehicles to process in real-time such a large amount of data, using either deterministic signal and data processing techniques or new machine learning and AI tools, have been also discussed. To this aim, the opportunities offered by the European Processor Initiative H2020 project have been also presented.


In Pisa, the EPI team participated at the RoundTable at ApplePies, 7th International Workshop Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry, Environment & Society. The Round Table confirmed that the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, in full alignment with the objective of deploying in Europe a world-class supercomputing infrastructure and a competitive innovation ecosystem in supercomputing technologies, applications and skills by coordinating the efforts of its member states and share resources, has assigned one of the 3 Precursor to Exascale system to CINECA. Building on that, the Round Table’s participants presented the contribution of Italian-based institutions and enterprises towards the maximization of the results achieved through exascale-class systems both from the scientific and research point of view as well as from the industrial point of view. The current status of R&D in Italy specifically for the development of components for exascale-class systems was addressed, including the role of Italian institutions and enterprises in the European Processor Initiative (EPI) consortium, and which synergies among the key players could create a native Italian ecosystem fully aligned within the EuroHPC JU and EPI initiatives for enabling exascale-class systems to support scientific leadership and industrial competitiveness.

The First IEEE Seasonal School on Circuits and Systems for IoT aimed to offer a set of talks on key topics related to circuits and Systems for IoT in modern and upcoming technologies. This seasonal school is an initiative of the IEEE CASS SiG on IoT. The SiG on IoT decided to start a series of seasonal schools on IoT, each year in a different location around the world. It was also decided to do the first edition in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
EPI’s Sergio Saponara attended and gave a lecture titled “Internet of Things for Automotive Industry: New Trends in Circuits and Systems”, touching also upon EPI in his talk.

At the Pierburg Rheinmetall plant in Livorno, Italy, prof. Sergio Saponara from UNIPI addressed an industrial audience with a presentation titled “Integration of mechanical and electronic engineering: trends and challenges in education, research and technology transfer”, touching upon EPI as well.

The 2019 edition of the Summer School Enabling Technologies for Industrial Internet of Things (ET-I2oT 2019) was organized to offer 6 ECTS (48 hours of front lessons) in the fields of electronics, electromagnetics and ICT for Internet of Things (IoT), targeting an audience of Bachelor (last year), Master and PhD students, early stage researchers and practitioners from Academia or Industry. As a part of the lesson plan, Prof. Sergio Saponara gave a lesson entitled “Embedded High Performance Computing: the challenge of the H2020 European Processor Initiative”.

At the National Conference on 5G and the Mobility of Tomorrow in Pisa, Italy, EPI’s Sergio Saponara from UNIPI offered a talk titled “European Processor Initiative: embedded High Performance Computing for Automated and Connected Vehicles”.

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