At HiPEAC25, EPI colleagues from BSC had two presentations:

Pablo Vizcaino: RAVE: RISC-V Analyzer of Vector Executions, a QEMU tracing plugin

Marta Garcia-Gasulla: Co-design, from a buzzword to a reality, an EPI success story

Find them here in the ZIP attached.

EPI Consortium members published “Graph Computing on Long Vector Architectures (Yes, It Works!)” at the 2024 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW).

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


EPI Consortium members published “Short Reasons for Long Vectors in HPC CPUs: A Study Based on RISC” at SC-W ’23: Proceedings of the SC ’23 Workshops of The International Conference on High Performance Computing, Network, Storage, and Analysis.

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


EPI Consortium members published “Software Development Vehicles to Enable Extended and Early Co-design: A RISC-V and HPC Case of Study” at ISC High Performance 2023: High Performance Computing.

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


Presentation from the conference is also available below in .pdf.

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