Sergio Saponara from UNIPI held a distinguished lecture at IEEE SB POLITO titled: Electronic Systems at the core of Autonomous, Connected and Electrified Vehicles’ Revolution. 

EPI Consortium members published “Unlimited Vector Extension with Data Streaming Support” in the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD).

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


Interview with Philippe Notton at BFM Business

L’interview de Philippe Notton (SIPEARL) par Cécilia Severi

Europe’s Evolving View of “Continental Exascale”

Hyperion Research Announces Agenda for 2nd Virtual HPC User Forum 

EPI Consortium members published “NoC Performance Model for Efficient Network Latency Estimation” in the proceedings of the 2021 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE).

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


EPI’s Jean-Marc Denis attended the Supercomputing Frontiers and held a keynote titled “Future Supercomputers are game changers for processor architecture. Why?”, here is the link to the video recording of the presentation.

EPI’s Jean-Marc Denis, presented a talk titled “European Processor Initiative: the place where ARM and RISC-V live in peace”, while other EPI partners also attended and participated in the panel regarding this topic.

EPI was present at Europa Village, a virtual Teratec Forum exhibition this year. Fabrizio Magugliani from E4 presented the latest in EPI news at the European Research Session.


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