Mario Kovač from UNIZG held a presentation titled “European Processor Initiative and EU Projects Towards Exascale Computing.”


Exascale-chips van eigen bodem

Jesus Labarta held a presentation titled “Performance analysis and hybrid programming in HPC”, Mauro Olivieri held a presentation “Vector acceleration in HPC and Edge Devices” and Roger Espasa held a presentation “Avispado: A RISC-V core supporting the RISC-V vector instruction set.”


Bernd Mohr from FZ Juelich held a presentation titled “The European Roadmap Towards HPC – From the Scientific (JSC) Perspective.”

Fabrizio Magugliani from E4 held a presentation titled “High Performance Computing Continuum: The Italian Industry in the European Processor Initiative and Pilots.”

Project press release, published on September 22nd, 2021, is also available in the news section:

EPI Consortium member published “Synch: A framework for concurrent data structures and benchmarks” in Journal of Open Source Software.

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


EPI Consortium members published “Secure Elliptic Curve Crypto-Processor for Real-Time IoT Applications” in Energies.

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


EPI Consortium members published “An OpenMP Free Agent Threads Implementation” in the conference IWOMP 2021: OpenMP: Enabling Massive Node-Level Parallelism.

Here you can find a link to an open access version of the article:


Prof. Sergio Saponara attended SIE and gave a lecture titled “Electronics at the core of the autonomous, connected and electrified vehicles revolution”.

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