EPI Forum
Paris, 6-7 October 2025
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EPI Forum


The European Processor Initiative is announcing its annual EPI Forum. It is to be held 6-7 October, 2025 in Paris, France.

It will be held at the magnificent Hotel Arts et Métiers.

EPI Forum will gather experts from the HPC ecosystem, stakeholders in the field and EPI researchers and engineers to discuss and present EPI’s achievement so far and future developments in the Initiative.

More details to follow – stay tuned!

Materials from 2024 Barcelona forum edition

The European Processor Initiative held its first Forum on 9 and 10 October, 2024, in Barcelona, Spain.

EPI Forum gathered experts from the HPC ecosystem, stakeholders in the field and EPI researchers and engineers who discussed and presented EPI’s achievements so far and future developments in the Initiative.

Agenda of the event that was held can be found here: EPI FORUM AGENDA,

while the presentations and materials are available in our repository here:


EPI Forum organizing committee wishes to thank the sponsors, speakers and panelists listed below for participating and making it a successful event. Stay tuned for announcements of the second EPI Forum next year!

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