EPI was happy to be a Bronze sponsor of the HiPEAC conference together with EUPILOT and EUPEX and had a booth at the conference.
Moreover, there was a joint tutorial in which we introduced the scope of the projects and then invited potential users to try early test systems, as available at this fairly early stage of the projects:
- 10:00-10:10 General Intro – Etienne Walter (Eviden)
- 10:10-10:20 EPI: Introduction to the project – Etienne Walter (Eviden)
- 10:20-10:30 EUPILOT: Introduction to the project – Carlos Puchol (BSC)
- 10:30-10:40 EUPEX: Introduction to the project – Jean-Robert Bacou (Eviden)
- 10:40-11:00 RISC-V Software Development Vehicle EUPILOT/EPI Tutorial – Filippo Mantovani & Pablo Vizcaino (BSC) (PART1)
- 11:00-11:30 break
- 11:30-12:05 RISC-V Software Development Vehicle EUPILOT/EPI Tutorial – Filippo Mantovani & Pablo Vizcaino (BSC) (PART2)
- 12:05-13:00 EUPEX Early Access Programme (EAP) Tutorial – Bernd Mohr (Jülich Supercomputing Centre)
In addition to the tutorial, EPI members held more talks:
- A Co-Design Framework for RISC-V Based Vector CPUPlatforms, Tools and Preliminary Results - Filippo Mantovani (BSC)
- Taming custom RISC-V extensions with multi-level compilers - Federico Ficarelli (CINECA)