RISC-V Summit

EPI partner SemiDynamics attended the RISC-V Summit, with a presentation on the new family of High Bandwidth Vector-capable Cores.
In this session, SemiDynamics disclosed its new RISC-V application cores, targeted at bandwidth-hungry application domains such as Machine Learning, Recommendation Systems, Sparse Computation, HPC and Key-Value Stores. SemiDynamics will also open source its "Open Vector Interface (OVI)", a public spec that allows third-parties to design their own vector unit and connect it to SemiDynamics cores. The session covered the entry-level in-order Avispado family and the mid-range Venooom out-of-order family of cores. Both families support the OVI and are available for licensing. Materials are here: https://www.european-processor-initiative.eu/dissemination-material/epi-risc-v-summit/
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08 12
@ 12:00
10 12
@ 12:00
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